Thursday 19 June 2014

First Portrait Session

I am no professional, I just enjoy taking photos especially photos of people. This is my very first portrait session and I can honestly say, I suck at it. There were few awkward moments where we were deciding on poses. Nevertheless, I am thankful that these two beautiful ladies willing to help me and cooperate with me.

They were my schoolmates, we had not seen each other for a while. When we decided to meet up and catch up, I asked them if they are willing to be my models (more accurately, my white mouses. hehehe!), I am thrilled that they gladly agreed. Since neither of us in front nor behind the camera is professionals, so we just go with the flow and did what we think were right. We did not even have a reflector, we found a car sun shade that reflects light and we used it as reflector. We might looked stupid running around taking photos with a sun shade as a reflector. Nah, we did not care that much. If it is working, it is not stupid.

Behind the scenes of the photoshoot was quite a chaos. The models were taking turn holding the fake-reflector when I was taking photos of one of them. When two of them were in the scene, I had to tackle the camera and the fake-reflector alone. One hand holding the reflector while the other holding the camera, it is a miracle that the photos came out sharp. It was a remarkable experience for a beginner like me.

This lovely girl right here, she is a violin teacher. I thought it will be nice if I could take photos of her with her violin and while she is playing violin.

We found this location while we were roaming around, at first we were like 'What if there are snakes there?' and then 'If there's snake we'll just run for our lives.' Thank God there was no snake welcoming us! It has bunch of trees and grasses, it is a great location for outdoor portrait. I never knew this place exists in Seremban.

They were singing this song called 'Malaysia Chabor' that goes viral in Malaysia (or maybe even outside Malaysia). I personally never heard the song (I am so outdated), but it seems like a happy song.

These were taken at a public park, we were in middle of the bridge blocking other people's way. Guilty! I was hoping I could capture nice flares, but as you could see, I failed miserably.

Pei Wen and Jia Wen, thank you so much for being my models. Much love!


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